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The Lazy Lay System - Results for 2008-2009

The new Lazy Lay season started again on September 1st 2008 and so my experiment will continue from where it ended up back in June.

If you need a refresher please see the following page for a full breakdown of the results from last "season":

The Lazy Lay Quick Profits System by Bill Stratford

Results will be added to this page on a semi-regular basis so please check back from time to time to get an idea of how the system is performing.

Page first published: 4th September 2008
Last updated: 24th December 2008

Results so far in 2008/2009:

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
01/09 - - - - - £206.03
01/09 Circadian Rhythm 3.00 Loss (20.60) 0.00 £185.43
01/09 Simple Solution 3.00 Loss (18.54) 0.00 £166.89
03/09 Playfellow 2.46 Loss (12.18) 0.00 £154.71
03/09 Hilbre Court 2.70 Win 7.74 (0.39) £162.06
05/09 Diriculous 3.20 Win 8.10 (0.41) £169.75
06/09 Elnawin 2.80 Loss (15.28) 0.00 £154.47
06/09 Ashram 3.05 Win 7.72 (0.39) £161.80
13/09 Everyman 3.40 Win 8.00 (0.40) £169.40
16/09 Prescription 2.94 Loss (16.43) 0.00 £152.97
17/09 Brexca 2.74 Win 7.65 (0.38) £160.24
19/09 Girl Of Pangaea 2.08 Win 8.01 (0.40) £167.85
19/09 Astrodome 2.16 Win 8.39 (0.42) £175.82
20/09 Gassal 2.50 Loss (13.19) 0.00 £162.63
30/09 Silent Wonder 2.60 Win 8.13 (0.41) £170.35
03/10 Contrada 2.72 Win 8.52 (0.43) £178.44
08/10 Summers Target 2.74 Win 8.92 (0.45) £186.91
10/10 Dance The Star 3.20 Win 9.35 (0.47) £195.79
21/10 Our Day Will Come 2.60 Win 9.111 (0.46) £204.44
21/10 Five Star Junior 3.30 Win 10.22 (0.51) £214.15
22/10 Otaared 2.72 Win 10.71 (0.54) £224.32
24/10 Keenes Day 2.68 Loss (18.85) 0.00 £205.47
27/10 Son of the Cat 2.78 Win 10.27 (0.51) £215.23
27/10 Falcativ 2.74 Loss (18.72) 0.00 £196.51
31/10 Rainbow Seeker 2.84 Loss (18.09) 0.00 £178.42
31/10 Wing Play 3.40 Win 8.92 (0.45) £186.89
03/11 Takeover Bid 2.20 Loss (11.16) 0.00 £175.73
04/11 Azure Mist 2.82 Win 8.79 (0.44) £184.08
07/11 Dialogue 2.64 Loss (15.09) 0.00 £168.99
10/11 Hawk's Eye 3.05 Win 7.082 (0.35) £175.72
13/11 Alonso De Guzman 2.70 Win 8.79 (0.44) £184.07
18/11 Shadow Bay 2.12 Win 9.20 (0.46) £192.81
18/11 Todays The Day 3.40 Win 9.64 (0.48) £201.97
19/11 Neuchatel 2.38 Win 10.10 (0.51) £211.56
19/11 Yab Adee 2.16 Loss (12.27) 0.00 £199.29
22/11 Whatyouwoodwishfor 3.25 Win 9.96 (0.50) £208.75
24/11 Lord Chancellor 3.40 Win 10.44 (0.52) £218.67
26/11 Kind Heart 2.68 Loss (18.36) 0.00 £200.31
28/11 Special Reserve 2.54 Win 10.02 (0.50) £209.83
29/11 Capstan 2.98 Loss (20.56) 0.00 £189.27
02/12 Bold Account 2.00 Win 9.463 (0.47) £198.26
05/12 Joe Caster 3.00 Win 9.91 (0.49) £207.68
05/12 Rag and Bone 2.20 Win 10.38 (0.51) £217.55
12/12 Spiritual Art 3.35 Loss (25.57) 0.00 £191.98
12/12 Swords 2.28 Win 9.60 (0.48) £201.10
13/12 Racketeer 2.68 Loss (16.90) 0.00 £184.20
15/12 Desert Bump 3.25 Win 9.21 (0.45) £192.96
15/12 January 2.53 Loss (14.73) 0.00 £178.23
18/12 Prairie Hawk 2.10 Win 8.91 (0.44) £186.70
      TOTAL (£5.27) (£14.06) £186.70

Summary of the Lazy Lay results so far this year:

Starting Balance £206.03
Current Balance £186.70
Total Bets 48
Profitable Bets 31
Losing Bets 17
Percentage Profit (9.38)

* UPDATE 24/12/08 *

The Lazy Lay 'season' ended on the 19th of December and as you can see above, it is still to get into profit which is extremely disappointing.

The sensible thing to do would be to stop following this system as it is obviously not working. Let's not forget that this was a very costly system at £197 so for it not to work is really quite ridiculous.

My advice to anyone who bought this - remember who recommended it to you and keep that in mind next time you get a recommendation from that particular marketer!

If you would like to comment on the system please visit the blog:

Lazy Lay System - Results from the New Season


1. This wager was too short due to a mistake and should've been £9.79.

2. This wager was too short due to a quick moving market and should've been £8.45.

3. There should've been three more entries today but due to a problem with my internet connection and a bizarre website redesign by the Racing Post, I was only able to get online later on in the day. The three missed races included two winning wagers and one loser.


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