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The Lazy Lay Quick Profits System by Bill Stratford

This particular opportunity also goes by the name of the "Coffee Break Millionaire" and is offered by Bill Stratford through Streetwise Publications and also Agora Lifestyles.

Bill claims to be able to show you how to "make a small fortune laying horses in YOUR morning coffee break".

The idea is that you turn yourself into a part-time bookmaker and make money by backing horses to lose. Bill admits that you won't win huge amounts on each bet but you will win much more regularly than normal.

At £197 this isn't a cheap opportunity but the publishers are very confident that it works, so confident that they have added a "cast-iron money-back guarantee".

If you haven't shown a profit at the end of 3 months, you just return the course manual for a full refund.

I have been testing this opportunity and will report my findings and results after 30 days - which will arrive around the 8th December 2007.

Please check back to see how I fared!

Update: 8th December 2007

As promised the results of my one month test are given below. I started with a bank of £200 and used a stake of 5% per race...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
08/11 - - - - - £200.00
08/11 Magic Glade 2.38 Loss (13.80) 0.00 £186.20
08/11 Royal Fantasy 3.20 Win 9.31 (0.47) £195.04
09/11 Mafioso 1.69 Loss (6.73) 0.00 £188.31
09/11 Encores 2.94 Win 9.41 (0.47) £197.25
09/11 Points of View 2.38 Win 9.86 (0.49) £206.62
09/11 Dart 2.76 Win 10.33 (0.52) £216.43
09/11 Spirit of Coniston 2.59 Win 10.82 (0.54) £226.71
12/11 What's For Tea 3.75 Win 11.33 (0.57) £237.47
14/11 Howdigo 2.46 Loss (17.33) 0.00 £220.14
21/11 Thompsons Walls 3.25 Win 11.00 (0.55) £230.59
22/11 Distant Drama 3.50 Loss (28.83) 0.00 £201.76
24/11 Grand Palace 3.70 Loss (27.22) 0.00 £174.54
27/11 Propaganda 3.60 Win 8.73 (0.44) £182.83
27/11 King Kenny 2.02 Win 9.14 (0.46) £191.51
28/11 Lake Legend 3.35 Win 9.58 (0.48) £200.61
28/11 Caprio 2.84 Loss (18.42) 0.00 £182.19
30/11 Eastern Gift 2.88 Win 9.11 (0.46) £190.84
30/11 Swift Gift 3.05 Loss (19.56) 0.00 £171.28
01/12 Brazilian Brush 2.34 Win 8.56 (0.43) £179.41
01/12 Fast Feet 2.72 Loss (15.43) 0.00 £163.98
03/12 Zennerman 2.10 Win 8.20 (0.41) £171.77
05/12 Pearl 1.89 Loss (7.65) 0.00 £164.12
06/12 The Mighty One 2.00 Loss (8.20) 0.00 £155.92
07/12 Applauded 1.80 Loss (6.23) 0.00 £149.69
08/12 Celtic Dragon 3.80 Win 7.48 (0.37) £156.80
08/12 Plenty of Action 3.30 Win 7.84 (0.39) £164.25
08/12 Noble Plum 2.38 Loss (11.33) 0.00 £152.92
      TOTAL (£40.03) (£7.05) £152.92

23.54% down in 30 days...

As you can see from the above results, at one point we had a great profit - 18.735% up after just 4 days following a superb run of 5 winning bets in a row.

However, a couple of losers shortly after that made a complete mess of the betting bank. And unfortunately, it hasn't improved much since then.

The Lazy Lay system is in a real losing streak at present and we are about 25% down since the 8th of November.

So, at the moment I simply cannot recommend this system - and I would be wary of anyone who does.

I heard a rumour that one particular betting expert promoted Lazy Lay today (08/12/2007) through an email broadcast. My advice to him would be to actually test systems before he rushes out a recommendation.

In truth, the above table does not tell the whole story. There have been points where it was impossible to get the wager on at a decent price but the horse then failed to win - which hurts because it would've been profit in the bank.

However, the rules are strict and have to be followed and after a great start, this system is in a losing period.

I am not going to give up on it just yet though. I've decided to continue testing it until I get to at least 100 bets.

At present, out of 27 bets, I have had 15 good bets and 12 bad bets. This has severely battered the betting bank. I am keeping the faith though and will continue to present the results on the page - probably on a weekly basis so make sure to check back!

Update: 15th December 2007

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
08/12 - - - - - £152.92
10/12 Maybe I Won't 1.89 Loss (6.81) 0.00 £146.11
13/12 Sempre Libera 2.44 Win 7.30 (0.37) £153.04
13/12 Hasty Retreat 3.15 Win 7.65 (0.38) £160.31
13/12 Abbeygate 2.74 Win 8.01 (0.40) £167.92
13/12 Grand Assault 2.66 Loss (13.94) 0.00 £153.98
14/12 Pinch of Salt 2.64 Win 7.70 (0.39) £161.29
15/12 Strategic Knight 2.18 Win 8.06 (0.40) £168.95
      TOTAL (£22.06) (£8.99) £168.95

Update: 19th December 2007

Today was the last day of system bets for 2007...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
15/12 - - - - - £168.95
17/12 Pelican Waters 2.43 Loss (12.08) 0.00 £156.87
19/12 Wannabe Free 3.45 Win 7.87 (0.39) £164.32
19/12 Capricorn Run 3.00 Win 8.21 (0.41) £172.12
      TOTAL (£18.09) (£9.79) £172.12

The whole year's results can be summed up as follows:

Starting Balance £200.00
End Balance £172.12
Total Bets 37
Profitable Bets 22
Losing Bets 15
Percentage Profit (13.94)

...and in chart form:

Lazy Lay Profits System Results Chart

So, since starting on the 8th November I am 13.94% down. But, I'm confident that by giving this system some time I will get back into profit.

Here's to a profitable 2008!

Update: 19th January 2008

The betting started again on the 5th January and below are the results to the 19th...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
05/01 - - - - - £172.12
05/01 Wild Bill Tracey 3.45 Win 8.60 (0.43) £180.29
08/01 Copperbottomed 3.40 Win 9.01 (0.45) £188.85
09/01 Louphole 2.96 Win 9.44 (0.47) £197.82
09/01 Rollin 'n Tumblin 3.17 Loss (21.51) 0.00 £176.31
10/01 Calculating 2.32 Loss (11.63) 0.00 £164.68
10/01 Northern Desert 2.56 Loss (12.84) 0.00 £151.84
14/01 Another Genepi 2.80 Loss (13.66) 0.00 £138.18
15/01 Autumn Blades 2.72 Win 6.91 (0.35) £144.74
16/01 Moon Bound 2.06 Loss (7.66) 0.00 £137.08
16/01 Longoria 1.86 Loss (5.89) 0.00 £131.19
18/01 Lascelles 3.45 Win 6.56 (0.33) £137.42
18/01 Age Of Reason 2.30 Loss (8.93) 0.00 £128.49
18/01 Rebellious Spirit 3.30 Win 6.42 (0.32) £134.59
19/01 Silver Hotspur 3.45 Win 6.73 (0.34) £140.98
      TOTAL (£46.54) (£12.48) £140.98

As far as my experiment goes, here are the results so far:

Starting Balance £200.00
Current Balance £140.98
Total Bets 51
Profitable Bets 29
Losing Bets 22
Percentage Profit (29.51)

After 51 bets (just over halfway through) I am almost 30% down. Not good...

Update: 27th January 2008

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
21/01 - - - - - £140.98
21/01 Grand Fleet 2.62 Win 7.05 (0.35) £147.68
21/01 Charlotte Grey 3.00 Loss (14.10) 0.00 £133.58
22/01 Town and Gown 2.62 Win 6.68 (0.33) £139.93
23/01 Whaxaar 1.88 Loss (6.16) 0.00 £133.77
23/01 Home 2.56 Win 6.69 (0.33) £140.13
24/01 Hieroglyph 2.89 Win 7.01 (0.35) £146.79
25/01 Fajr 2.86 Win 7.34 (0.37) £153.76
25/01 Wynberg 1.88 Loss (6.77) 0.00 £146.99
26/01 Oberlin 2.44 Win 7.35 (0.37) £153.97
26/01 Otaki 2.54 Win 7.70 (0.39) £161.28
      TOTAL (£23.75) (£14.97) £161.28

As you can see from the above table, this week showed good progress - 7 winning bets and 3 losing wagers - a 70% strike rate resulting in a good increase in the betting bank, up 14.4% on the previous week.

What seems to be quite obvious now is that any horse I lay at odds of less than 2.0 tends to win - 8 losing bets so far at odds under 2.0. Therefore I am going to ignore any laying opportunities where the odds are less than 2.0 on Betfair.

From 61 bets there have been 36 winners and 25 losers - a 59% strike rate overall. The bank is currently about 19.36% down. Let's hope the good run continues!

Update: 4th February 2008

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
26/01 - - - - - £161.28
28/01 West Lorne 3.25 Win 8.06 (0.40) £168.94
30/01 Bussell Up 2.58 Loss (13.32) 0.00 £155.62
02/02 Sri Kuantan 2.86 Win 7.78 (0.39) £163.01
      TOTAL (£21.23) (£15.76) £163.01

Still slightly under a 60% strike rate at 59.4% (38 wins from 64 wagers). This was a quiet week though for the system with very few selections.

Update: 9th February 2008

I'm doing the update early this week because it's been a great week for the system. Here are the results:

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
02/02 - - - - - £163.01
04/02 Samuel Charles 2.52 Loss (12.39) 0.00 £150.62
04/02 Leamington 3.25 Loss (16.94) 0.00 £133.68
04/02 Fresh Mint 2.62 Win 6.68 (0.33) £140.03
04/02 Egyptian Lord 2.46 Win 7.00 (0.35) £146.68
05/02 Jalons Bridewell 3.00 Win 7.33 (0.37) £153.64
06/02 Taken 3.00 Win 7.68 (0.38) £160.94
06/02 Mr Loire 3.10 Win 8.05 (0.40) £168.59
07/02 Avoca Dancer 2.78 Win 8.43 (0.42) £176.60
08/02 Bethanys Boy 2.30 Win 8.83 (0.44) £184.99
08/02 West Lorne 3.05 Win 9.25 (0.46) £193.78
09/02 Thebes 2.62 Win 9.69 (0.48) £202.99
      TOTAL £22.38 (£19.39) £202.99

For the first time since the end of November 2007 I am above the £200 mark. Great! After 75 bets and the magic three months I am finally back into profit...

This has been achieved by the superb 9 race winning run - a brilliant run of results which have resulted in a 24% increase in betting bank over the week.

So, in the 3 months I have been running this system there have been 75 bets, 47 winners and 28 losers - a 62.7% strike rate. I am now up 1.50% on my £200 betting bank.

Here's the overall progress so far in chart form:

Second Lazy Lay Profits System Results Chart

Check back next week to see if this superb winning run continues!

Update: 16th February 2008

Did the winning run continue? Well, in a word, no. Far from it in fact...

7 bets in total with only 3 of them profitable. And when you use a lay betting system like the Lazy Lay system, losing wagers hit the bank HARD.

Here are the results, containing more red than I ever really wanted to see...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
09/02 - - - - - £202.99
11/02 Motarjm 2.76 Loss (17.86) 0.00 £185.13
12/02 Alexander Huricane 2.92 Win 9.26 (0.46) £193.93
13/02 Crispian 3.10 Loss (20.37) 0.00 £173.56
15/02 Rapidity 2.80 Loss (15.62) 0.00 £157.94
16/02 Tigers Rocket 3.00 Win 7.90 (0.40) £165.44
16/02 Ike Quebec 3.20 Loss (18.19) 0.00 £147.25
16/02 Basalt 2.34 Win 7.36 (0.37) £154.24
      TOTAL (£25.14) (£20.62) £154.24

The idea is to use this system for 100 bets and at present I am up to 82 wagers and a 61% strike rate. It really should be closer to 70% but the Lazy Lay system just isn't performing as well as the sales letter promised. Disappointing.

Update: 23rd February 2008

The results continue to be extremely unimpressive:

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
16/02 - - - - - £154.24
19/02 They All Laughed 2.52 Loss (11.72) 0.00 £142.52
20/02 Caribana 3.00 Win 7.13 (0.36) £149.29
21/02 Dickie Le Davoir 2.36 Win 7.46 (0.37) £156.38
22/02 A Dream Come True 2.80 Loss (14.08) 0.00 £142.30
      TOTAL (£36.35) (£21.35) £142.30

86 wagers in and the system is still only creating winning bets on 60.5% of the races. The strike rate is terrible. On the plus side, I only have to use this system 14 more times and then I can quit having fulfilled the promised 100 bets. Can't wait!

Update: 7th March 2008

No selections tomorrow so I can update this page a day early. Unfortunately I couldn't publish an update last week so this will cover 2 weeks worth of the Lazy Lay system results...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
22/02 - - - - - £142.30
25/02 Might Be Magic 3.20 Loss (15.66) 0.00 £126.64
26/02 Tension Mounts 2.76 Win 6.33 (0.32) £132.65
26/02 Talamahana 2.30 Win 6.63 (0.33) £138.95
28/02 Maktavish 2.50 Win 6.95 (0.35) £145.55
03/03 Thoughtsofstardom 3.20 Win 7.28 (0.36) £152.47
03/03 On Every Street 2.66 Win 7.62 (0.38) £159.71
04/03 Kanisorn 2.68 Win 7.99 (0.40) £167.30
05/03 Sion Hill 2.50 Win 8.35 (0.42) £175.23
05/03 August Gale 2.50 Win 8.76 (0.44) £183.55
06/03 Trachonitis 3.15 Win 9.18 (0.46) £192.27
07/03 Bridge Of Fermoy 2.64 Loss (15.76) 0.00 £176.51
07/03 Cybersnow 2.99 Win 8.83 (0.44) £184.90
      TOTAL £10.15 (£25.25) £184.90

So, 12 bets - 10 winners and 2 losers. A pretty good run - especially the 9 successful selections in a row.

I'm now up to 98 bets - 62 winners and 36 losers. The dilemma comes next week - should I go beyond the 100 I promised to do?

Update: 16th March 2008

Quiet week with just 4 selections - Missed one race on Tuesday because the Betfair price was too low (below 2.00), non-runners on Wednesday and Saturday and a horse on Saturday where the price was too high...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
07/03 - - - - - £184.90
11/03 Alexander Huricane 3.20 Win 9.25 (0.46) £193.69
12/03 Yes One 3.00 Win 9.68 (0.48) £202.89
12/03 Jalons Bridewell 3.00 Win 10.14 (0.51) £212.52
14/03 Rollin 'n Tumblin 2.57 Loss (16.65) 0.00 £195.87
      TOTAL £22.57 (£26.70) £195.87

The bank is looking "OK" for now and I am now up to 102 selections - 65 winners, 37 losers. I've decided to keep using the system as I can see some potential in it so please, if you are interested, continue to keep an eye on this page and the blog (link below).

Third Lazy Lay Profits System Results Chart

Update: 29th March 2008

Two weeks worth of results today and it's not been the most profitable time. Not many selections either...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
14/03 - - - - - £195.87
17/03 Thebes 2.50 Loss (14.72) 0.00 £181.15
17/03 Spanish Diva 2.76 Win 9.79 (0.49) £190.45
18/03 Outlandish 2.48 Win 9.52 (0.34) £199.63
18/03 Tension Mounts 2.70 Win 9.98 (0.50) £209.11
19/03 Sands Crooner 2.64 Loss (17.15) 0.00 £191.96
22/03 The Carlton Cannes 2.28 Loss (12.29) 0.00 £179.67
27/03 Spin Again 3.20 Win 8.98 (0.45) £188.20
28/03 Gulch's Rose 2.98 Win 9.41 (0.47) £197.14
28/03 Danetime Lord 2.26 Win 9.86 (0.49) £206.51
28/03 Dhhamaan 2.36 Loss (14.05) 0.00 £192.46
28/03 Baunagain 2.84 Win 9.62 (0.48) £201.60
28/03 Frivolous 3.05 Loss (20.66) 0.00 £180.94
      TOTAL £10.86 (£29.92) £180.94

I missed a selection today which would've added a little to the bank as it came in second. Still, it's very hard to get back above 200 - for some reason the system always has a loser once we look like we might get into profit...

Update: 7th April 2008

A fair amount of selections this week...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
28/03 - - - - - £180.94
31/03 Handcuff 2.48 Win 9.05 (0.45) £189.54
31/03 Rock Peak 3.35 Win 9.48 (0.47) £198.55
01/04 Crying Aloud 2.88 Loss (18.67) 0.00 £179.88
03/04 Lucayan Dancer 3.25 Win 8.99 (0.45) £188.42
04/04 Bahamian Babe 2.59 Loss (14.98) 0.00 £173.44
04/04 Dodaa 2.62 Win 8.67 (0.43) £181.68
04/04 Oceana Blue 2.50 Win 9.08 (0.45) £190.31
05/04 Redolent 2.58 Win 9.52 (0.48) £199.35
05/04 Sir George 2.36 Loss (13.56) 0.00 £185.79
05/04 Angel Voices 2.80 Win 9.29 (0.46) £194.62
05/04 Flash Of Colour 2.40 Loss (13.62) 0.00 £181.00
      TOTAL £14.11 (£33.11) £181.00

So, there you have it - a 6 pence increase on the previous week!

Update: 12th April 2008

Another pretty busy week - 11 races. Successful week as well...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
05/04 - - - - - £181.00
07/04 St Jean Cap Ferrat 2.54 Win 9.05 (0.45) £189.60
07/04 Salut Saint Cloud 2.50 Win 9.48 (0.47) £198.61
07/04 My Shadow 3.00 Loss (19.86) 0.00 £178.75
08/04 Walragnek 2.90 Win 8.94 (0.45) £187.24
08/04 Playtotheaudience 2.50 Win 9.36 (0.47) £196.13
09/04 Dubai Power 2.76 Win 9.81 (0.49) £205.45
09/04 Riqaab 2.98 Win 10.27 (0.51) £215.21
11/04 Straight Face 2.80 Win 10.76 (0.54) £225.43
12/04 Meydan Princess 2.50 Loss (16.91) 0.00 £208.52
12/04 Irish Quest 2.60 Win 10.43 (0.52) £218.43
12/04 Wind Flow 3.15 Loss (23.48) 0.00 £194.95
      TOTAL £31.96 (£37.01) £194.95

As you can see above, until today the bank was looking nice and healthy and in profit but today's results put the pot back into the red. I can see that there is some promise in this system - nowhere near as much as was promised in the sales letter - but it is starting to look as if the patient Betfair user can eventually make a nice profit from the Lazy Lay system.

Update: 25th April 2008

Two weeks' results today even though it is a Friday - the reason being that there are no selections tomorrow. It's been rather quiet for the Lazy Lay system since the 12th - we've had just six selections but overall it has been very profitable, adding to the bank which is always nice to see!

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
12/04 - - - - - £194.95
16/04 Truly Fruitful 2.88 Win 9.75 (0.49) £204.21
19/04 Expensive Art 2.50 Loss (15.32) 0.00 £188.89
22/04 Grande Caiman 2.66 Win 9.44 (0.47) £197.86
23/04 Sir Duke 2.30 Win 9.89 (0.49) £207.26
24/04 Pertemps Networks 2.22 Win 10.36 (0.52) £217.10
25/04 Floodlight Fantasy 2.90 Win 10.86 (0.54) £227.42
      TOTAL £66.94 (£39.52) £227.42

The bank is back above the magic "200" mark. At the moment, I'm happy...

Update: 12th May 2008

Again, a recurring theme with the Lazy Lay system is the extremely poor results which occur just after the bank goes into profit. These last 2 weeks have been no different, as you can see from the results below:

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
25/04 - - - - - £227.42
28/04 Nawamees 2.40 Loss (15.92) 0.00 £211.50
28/04 Magic Echo 2.66 Loss (17.56) 0.00 £193.94
28/04 Steel City Boy 3.00 Win 9.70 (0.49) £203.15
29/04 Lullaby Lady 3.35 Win 10.16 (0.51) £212.80
29/04 Art Exhibition 2.28 Loss (13.62) 0.00 £199.18
02/05 Senor Mirasol 3.00 Loss (19.92) 0.00 £179.26
      TOTAL £19.78 (£40.52) £179.26

Missed one race this last week which would've added a small profit but just 3 profitable selections out of 7 is extremely disappointing and makes April a very marginally profitable month (i.e. 0.32% profit on the month).

Update: 9th June 2008

After what seems like an eternity of waiting, there has been another selection this week just gone.

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
02/05 - - - - - £179.26
03/06 Aunt Nicola 2.58 Win 8.96 (0.45) £187.77
      TOTAL £28.74 (£40.97) £187.77

The Lazy Lay "season" comes to an end on the 30th June so there may not be much to report this month...

Update: 28th June 2008

Couple more selections to report...

Date Horse Odds Result Profit Commission Balance
03/06 - - - - - £187.77
11/06 Like For Like 3.00 Win 9.39 (0.47) £196.69
28/06 Marie Louise 2.28 Win 9.83 (0.49) £206.03
      TOTAL £47.96 (£41.93) £206.03

If there are no selections on Monday (30/06) then this will be the end of the season until September.

It would be very interesting to hear from anybody else who is using Bill Stratford's Lazy Lay system.

Please let me know how you have fared so far by leaving a comment on the blog:

The Lazy Lay Quick Cash System from Streetwise Publications

NEW: The Lazy Lay System - Results for 2008-2009


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